2015 Cel mai bun An din Viata mea

18 ian. Un program de coaching personal pentru un start energic in 2015 cu Veet Cristian

Ne aflam la a 3-a editie. Vor fi 8 ore intensive pe durata a 1 zi intreaga. Limita de participanti: 8.  


Ni se intampla de fiecare data, in fiecare an. Incepem frumos cu stabilirea unor Obiective optimiste pentru Noul An…, ne tinem tare vreo 2-3 saptamani si apoi, gata cu entuziasmul, revenim la rutina si vechile obiceiuri.

Cum asa?  As spune ca e simplu: Tocmai pentru ca ne stabilim Obiective. Da…asa este. Insusi faptul ca ne cream obiective, asta ne saboteaza din start. Pentru ca ne limiteaza campul „vizual” si propria energie creativa. Obiectivele ne proiecteaza in Viitor si pierdem un lucru de mare pret: PREZENTUL.

De ce? Avem nevoie sa ne detasam de zona emisferei stangi si logice(cea care are scopuri/obiective) si sa ne cufundam in spatiul emisferei drepte (responsabile de zona creativa din noi).  Pentru ca, asa cum spunea Einstein – „Nu putem rezolva o problema la acelasi nivel unde care a fost creata.” Asa si noi avem nevoie sa ne ridicam deasupra obiectivelor create de minte in spatiul viziunilor si al spiritului.

Cum altfel deci?  Ceea ce va propun este sa ne „cream” Anul prin puterea INTENTIEI. Dintr-o perspectiva unitara Minte-Corp cea a partii creative si vizionare din noi.

Icoaching_2015_fb_coverntentia este o stare in momentul Prezent. Intentia nu ne separa de prezent ci ne aliniaza si mai mult cu el. Spre deosebire de obiective.  Intentia vine din conectarea la Sursa care ne insufleteste pe toti. Intentia in cele din urma este un potential ascuns in orice intreprindere, fiinta, lucru…

Sau cum spunea Carlos Castaneda: „Intentia este o forta din Univers. Cand vrajitorii( cei ce traiesc conectati la Sursa) cheama Intentia, ea vine sa asterne calea pentru realizare, ceea ce inseamna ca vrajitorii reusesc intotdeauna in ceea ce si-au propus sa faca”. (Latura activa a infinitatii- Carlos C.)

Vom avea o experienta corporala si energetica de influenta shamanica  (Shamanic Dance Meditation) de 1 h. 30’ in care vom dansa si respira profund.

Vom lasa mintea rationala planificata de-o parte ( pentru moment desigur). Oamenii in vechime foloseau dansul pentru a intra intr-o stare de transa pentru a primi „viziuni” ale spiritului cand vroiau fie sa inceapa o noua etapa in viata lor sau aveau ceva important de facut.

Arunca o privire pe acest video:

O intentie-viziune implica mai mult decat un scop.  Mai multa energie, mai multe posibile obiective relationate. Mai multi pasi si etape, mai multi ani etc- de ex: „Obiectivul meu este de a canta in fata a peste 300 oameni intr-un concert pana in 30 aug 2015.” Iar „Viziunea mea este sa inspir tinerii prin cantecul meu sa-si traiasca visele si ma vad cantand unui stadion intreg plin cu oameni.”

In partea a 2-a vom creiona pasii concreti catre manifestarea Intentiei.


life is the goal  by OshoProgramul zilei (orientativ)

~ Body-Awareness -exercitii cu corpul, miscare si respiratie constienta). Cea mai buna invatare se intampla intr-un corp relaxat.

~ Sa ne cunoastem mai bine plus Intentia atelierului.

~ Despre natura iluzorie a mintii si dorintelor. Cine este Observatorul? Si ce este Intentia? Si exemple de oameni ce au trait prin intentie si realizarile lor se cunosc si astazi…=> diferenta dintre Obiective si Intentie;

~ Explorare an 2014 cu bune si rele cu intrebari specifice de Coaching;~ Exercitiu de Gratitudine si felicitare pentru anul ce a trecut + Exercitiu de constientizare a „lectiilor” primite prin nerealizarea a ce ne-am propus;

~ Schimbarea de perspectva dinspre A VREA („ Wanting”) catre A PERMITE ( „Alowing”)

~ Vision Quest 2015– o explorare a Intentiei cu Shamanic Dance si cu ajutorul respiratiei (1h 30’)

~ Vision Board– un proces creativ de creare a viziunii noului an;

~ Obiective si pasi concreti spre actiune. Deci Smart.

Impresii ale participantilor  de la vechile editii:

*”Recomand: pentru experienta corporala si energetica, pentru transa bine condusa, pentru dans si respiratie. Este un workshop dincolo de minte, ce permite conectarea profunda cu inteligenta instinctului. Excelent pentru (re)gasirea intentiilor profunde pentru anul ce vine, un spatiu de explorare si constientizare, un cadru sigur de creare a unei viziuni pentru viitor, cu un facilitator bine pregatit! Dupa un an, veti fi uimiti cum ati co-creat impreuna cu Universul!” (Gabriela Gruianu, Entreprenor si Life/ Business Coach)

**”Un workshop inedit si energizant. Recomand cursul lui Cristian ~ Cel mai bun an din viata mea~ celor ce simt ca au foarte multe de manifestat insa ceva poate teama sau neincrederea ii impiedica sa isi puna visele in aplicare.” (Simona Mihaela- Entreprenor )


me BigTe acompaniaza: Veet Cristian. El isi sustine participantii la workshopuri sa se conecteze cu “esenta” de energie vitala din fiecare dincolo de frici si conditionari.  Creeaza un spatiu sigur unde Bucuria si Energia inimilor noastre poate sa creasca. Este Life Coach si Facilitator grupuri Evolutie constienta.  Cu experienta in Facilitarea seminariilor experientiale cu ajutorul Respiratiei conectate, Masculinitate, seminarii pentru Inteligenta inimii, seminarii prin metoda Learning love, Tantra si Polaritati, meditatii active Osho. Este de asemenea si Business Coach, Trainer N.L.P. Rezonantz. Informatii despre activitatea lui Veet Cristian gasiti aici: www.skymind.ro. Ca si formare profesionala este licentiat in Drept- Univ. Buc, in prezent si mediator.

Program:  duminica 18 ian. 8:30-18:30(19:00)

Contributie: scala intre 135 si 265 Ron. Tu alegi cat in functie de contributia pe care ai primit-o. (cu plata unui avans de 100 ron pana pe 28 dec.2013).

Ai si un BONUS: Sedinta 1-1 de Coaching de 30’ pe Skype/telefon.

Ce include contributia:

–          Participarea la workshop;

–          Materiale de curs;

–          Posibilitatea de a avea o sesiune de coaching pe skype/sau telefon de 25-30 min  cu facilitatorul in intervalul 25-30 ian. pt „alinierea” obiectivelor/intentiilor pe 2015 si eliberarea de convingerile care inca te limiteaza sa crezi ca poti sa faci ce ti-ai propus…( De aceea ATENTIE: programul e limitat la un numar de numai 8 persoane pentru ca fiecare sa aiba acces la maxim de atentie din partea facilitatorului);

Inscrierile : pana pe 9 ian. 2015(ora 11 P.M.) impreuna cu plata unui avans de 100 Ron. Limita de inscrisi: 8. Deci regula este cea a primului venit, primul servit.

Contact: [email protected] . Info si la tel 0722.519.299.

ATENTIE: Din momentul inscrierii iti voi trimite un e-mail de confirmare impreuna cu un Chestionar creat de mine special pt acest program cu cateva intrebari care te vor ajuta deja sa incepi procesul de constientizare. Programul de coaching personalizat incepe chiar de la data inscrierii tale!

Completati FORMULARUL de inscriere:

*****Daca vrei sa aflii ma multe despre Puterea Intentiei citeste un ARTICOL de-al meu pe aceasta tema: Nu fii s.m.a.r.t. Mai bine fii Tu pur si simplu! 


Romantic Love vs. Journey into Love

“Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love – now you are love.” Osho

Sometime ago I decided to find the time to write about this topic which I find important. 


Have you been in love with a man or a woman?!

Most of us have felt  butterflies in the stomach and lots of emotions just before she/he came at the date.

It is that moment when we feel a lot of energy and joy in our hearts. We desire to embrace every un-known pedestrian. We laugh a lot and dream so much. It is like everything suddenly becomes possible.

That is the moment when we “fall in love”. And also the “honeymoon” starts.

We start to fantasize that we found the “One”. Prince charming or Cinderella. We feel complete, everything makes sense in our lives. Suddenly you feel that life will not be the same anymore without the loved one.

This DREAM of meeting the “the  One” is the source of “falling” into a “romantic love”. Somehow we expect that when we finally meet him/ her to be complete, fulfilled and in grace until the end of life.


That is totally non-sense.

Look around! How many people do you see really happy for a long time in relationships?

After a few months or years the “love is gone” as says the song of David Guetta.


Very simple. The hormones are over. There is an increase of adrenaline that makes you feel up in the sky “for a while”. It is scientifically proved that after from 3 months to 2-3 yrs, the adrenaline decreases in intensity until it is over.

Imagine you take a “montagne rousse”. This is falling in love. An intense moment of enthusiasm, joy, aliveness for a relatively short period of time.   How long can your body support this great intensity? For sure, not all life. He starts to say: “Heiii…i need a break!”

Another why  this is totally childish, is that, we somehow expect to meet “the loving parent” that we never had. We expect to receive the love and worthiness we did not received as children. It is “the inner child” who comes out through the other door hopping to grab some “cakes”.

BUT, if you are wise and lucky, you can “use” this extra-energy to become clear of what you want and don’t want, to set boundaries and create a more conscious way of relating.


Simply because the end of the “hormones zone” or honeymoon period, is not the end of the relationship. It is just the beginning. A new phase can start if you allow it to happen.

It is the phase of “conscious love”. It starts with the “Choice” of creating together this milieu of growing into Love. It comes from a deep understanding that Love is not ready-made. It is a “process”, a journey. Into self-actualisation, awareness and friendliness.  On the other side, falling in love is “a happening”  not a choice.

Contrary, a romantic relationship is more of a “going with the flow” experience, from falling in love to discovering that you are dependent on another and you “fall into” the partner’s presence and love and expectations…, until finally you discover that you cannot separate anymore, even if you want to, because of habit and out of so called “safety”.

AND….a relationship as a journey needs for sure some “guidance”.  That I find important on the way towards a more conscious relating:

  1. Realize that the “basic” value is and should be “Growing” into more awareness and love! From unconscious patterns, fears, unexpressed needs to a way of living clear and loving.
  2. Growing implies automatically that, there will be moments of joy, aliveness, passion and creativity. Also moments of pain, confusion, frustration, anger, sadness etc. The essential becomes “awareness” instead of choosing to avoid pain for the pleasure.
  3. Most of the time, we do not attract into our lives, people that we want, but people that will help us discover new faces, new aspects, that will support us to grow ( for ex: somebody with a fear of abandonment will attract another who is emotional un-available).
  4. One of the main keys in relating is through taking full responsability for  “my reactions”, feelings, emotions, thoughts.  If I criticize or blame you, this is just about me. The other is just a “mirror”.
  5. In a “journey”, we consciously choose the way we want to live, the “values” that stands for us. In Love, Empathy, Freedom, Friendship. And we guide our trip according to them. Take time to discuss about it together.
  6. We communicate with awareness, clarity and with full responsibility for our own needs and wantings.
  7. I consciously take time for myself just to be “alone”. There is essential as water to just stay alone sometimes. To redefine myself or to charge with energy from my own passions and hobbies.
  8.  Take energy also from outside the relationship! Meet your friends, practice your yoga, run, have a beer just your men-friends, or as a woman, be in a woman group from time to time.
  9. Take charge! BE pro-active! Get out of the victim! Ask yourself: What could I do in this situation?…
  10. Understand that certain reactions come from the past! Take “space” and be sensitive and compassionate! To yourself and the partner.
  11. Always be in contact with your “needs”! Accept the difference of needs from time to time!
  12. Don’t be too serious! Celebrate and be crazy just a like a child sometimes! And Laugh more!

Finally, Get out of the Dream! Be REAL and B Wise! LIVE life as it unfolds, not as you want it to be! Learn from every relating experience you have!

“Love needs to be learned. It is not a ready-made product.”

And, in case you wanna’ join, come for more exercises, tools, interactivity in the workshop that I will facilitate in Brussels between 23-24 Jan, 2016. covering the topic of Tantric Sex and Conscious Masculinity. Details soon! 🙂

See you. And Thank you for reading this post.

“Relationship is an opportunity to see a reflection of everything that is not loving, not healed within us.” Andrew Barnes