“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: “When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”
Tantra Trance Dance is considered in shamanism an initiated dance which can guide you to more higher realms, that is why shamans used it to enter into a trance state. The process facilitates freeing the tensions from the physical body as well as emotional body to allow a free flow of life/sexual energy.
We will start with a short video with the atmosphere in Veet Christian’s tantra dance events:
An experience of movement, free dance, conscious breath , tantra flow and presence to breakthrough the everyday routine…
Experience-dance for 3 h. „just for you”/
friday evening 12 apr. 2019- Wien.
Trance Dance is a mix between body movement, dynamic drum rhythms, breathing techniques , the intention we set for the ritual/dance- and especially – using the eye band- all these together are inducing a trance state which leads to mental clarity, opening of the other senses aside from the visual sense, also inducing physical strength and wellness.
By using the eye band, Trance dance is challenging the dancer to open all his senses – not only the common use visual sense, to be leaded by the music in a inner journey which is not limited to our common perceptions of space and time.
We are not the ones to create the intuitive movement… the movement is creating us.
We will follow 7 steps in the process including: Bio-energetics, Ecstatic Dance, Emotional Release, Catharsis, Chakra Journey and Vipassana.
You can book by submitting to this FORM!
Trance Dance Ritual is creating and holding the space for you to be yourself, without masks, without expectations. You can come without previous explanations, without analysis.. Just come to express and dance of your being. Dance is part of ourselves, part from life and everything is moving and coexisting in one rhythm..It’s not necessary to ‘know” how to dance or to know the dancing steps to be able to participate to a Trance Dance Ritual.
Any Ritual is an inner journey. Is a journey sustained by a breathing technique (Fire Breathing), movement, free and intuitive dance, different drum rhythms and the the blindfold that covers our eyes to be more connected to ourselves and to what we feel.
When we dance we reconnect with the creative power of fire, with the lightness and the infinite space of air, with the fluidity of water and with the stability of earth. More we dance, more we relax in every aspect of our lives.
Trance Dance is a deep diving into our subconscious mind and a honoring of life as it ‘s revealing itself, – by recreating ancestral healing and transforming rituals using contemporary methods and techniques. Is a coming back home to ourselves, to our roots, to our inner home. Come and reconnect to the rhythm of your soul, come and honor yourself, celebrate yourself, be yourself without constrictions, come to journey to and beyond yourself…
- Subscribing is valid only after the payment of the participation fee. You will receive details about the payment when you subscribe.
- Limited places- for only 30 participants.
- We ask you to arrive earlier, 15 minutes before the beginning, to have the time to change, to facilitate the access in the room and to be in a comfortable way in the space.
- We invite you to wear comfortable cloths which will not disturb your movements and dancing. If you have blidfolds, please bring we will also need some.
- Bring a bottle of water with you!
The workshop will be facilitated by Veet Cristian. He is a Speaker, Author of a book in progress on he subject of Conscious Change and our Natural Aliveness , also Life and Business Coach, N.L.P. Trainer and Transformational Workshop Leader. He is a traveler through life. For him Life is a dance between masculine and feminine, between the Sun and the Moon, Light and Dark. It depends on us if we see life as a dance or as a problem to be solved. As for his experience in working with people he is facilitating transformational workshops through Connected Breathing, Masculinity, seminars for the Intelligence of the Heart, seminars based on the method of Learning Love, Tantra and Polarities, Osho Active Meditations.
*Certified Tantra Teacher. As the experience in Tantra, he worked more than 5 yrs sith Spersa Kreis, osho facilitator. And 3 yrs a tantra training with Spersa and more than 30 days formation. Between 1-21 june 2013 he attended the Tantra Training school with Homa and Mukto, Osho facilitators.
** Certified Coach and N.L.P. Trainer with Kutschera Institute (Austria-2009)
***Certified ‚Learning Love method’ teacher (which works with the inner child and co-dependency in relationships)
**** He followed John Hawken’s Path of transformation school in a Bioenergetics Training in Czeck Republic. ( june 2017-may 2018).
He graduated Law School/University of Bucharest, currently practicing Mediation also.
**** More info. on: www.skymind.ro
Veet Cristian will be kindly supported by Meli Minescu. She is a fitness trainer and dedicated to support people live a healthier life body and minded.
Pictures from other events Tantra Dance:
You can book by submitting to this FORM!
Location: Wien, you will be informed soon after you submit the form.
18:30-19.15 Intro, exercitions of exploration and conscious movement
19.30-20:00- sharing experience si description of the 7 steps Tantric Dance.
20.00-21.30- Experience of Tantra Dance.
21.30-22.00- Sharing experiences si integration.
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: “When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”
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